
Warm at Last

About time it got warm... ive been stuck in my house ever since it hit 32 degree's and its been horrible, if you knew what my family is like you would know why. I've been outside for the past 4 days playing and its been really fun. although im not much of an outdoors kind of guy i dont want to end up like a 500 lb. guy who need help off the couch, soo i get outside every once in a while. Im going to start a knew thing on my blog, im going to ask you questions and you need to respond with something related to the question. I will probably do this every time I post, but iI dont know yet... i will start today....hmmmmmm lets see goood question,oh yeah, here goes.

My friends girlfriend wen to get the New Moon DVD when it went on sale at Wal-Mart, she said the the line was from the New Moon Display down the Isle wrapped around the cas registers and all the way back around to the Pharmacy, now it might just be me but I think the Twighlight thing ha s gotten abit out of controll, I would like you to post what you think about the whole Twighlight Thing.


The Bad thing About Ebay

About a week ago i started looking for a wireless adapter for my 360 but everywhere i went they were sold out,so i got on ebay and ordered one and wouldnt you know still havent gotten it, it has been forever and i cant wait much longer.

I have got all the other thing i need for the online play but not the one that goes into the back of the 360, its taking forever...