
School in Shanghai full of computer Hackers!!!

A recent investigation on the attacks on google and other major websites show that there may be a school in Shanghai Full of computer hackers. The New York Times recently printed an article about this.


Too Much SNOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Snow, somepeople love it some hate it others dont realy care if its there... me personaly i hate snow. It just adds another chore to my list and its anoying. if i didnt have anything to do now i do... my parents suck every bit of free time i have out of me and my life has basicaly became a nightmare.

In other unrelated news tiger woods i thinking of apologizing for his actions (about time)


RPG Talk

OK im having an arguement with someone in my class... we both play an RPG* (name of the RPG is not to be mentioned at this point.. but anyway... i need you guyses help so settle this...we did a PVP** and he won and he is a Level 65 and his other is a 18.. i have a Level 58 and 54.. i need to know wich would be better mine or his?

For all you people who dont know what some of the words are here you go and read the Wiki if you want more info...



Blogging for a living.....

i am going to start blogging for a living... im going to go pro with this ...im going to make a blog with adds to make some money$$$

If you believed me your pathetic... learn to tell lies .. leave in the comments the best lie you can think of and make it GOOD!!!


Webcam saves mans life

A woman admiring the sunset on a tourist webcam in northern Germany spotted a man who was lost on the frozen North Sea and probably saved his life by alerting authorities, police said Wednesday.

For more info go to Yahoo.com


The One Thing That Drives Me Crazy!!!

My sister drives me insane sometimes "(By sometimes i mean ALL the time!!!)" She does this thing where she says that i do something to her and i say i didn't she says im lying... and my mom being the sucker she is believes her. then when the argument is over i will go upstairs and she will constantly bug be and make me cut myself(not really but it makes me want to...

As im writing this she is rambling on that im playing games... yeah this is the best game i have ever played ...sooo exciting...
i know this is a little bit off topic but i would just like to share this with all of you... i would like to know about some things that your sibling do to get on your nerves.

p.s. i know this is off topic just wanted to express myself..